The subject of the higher things discovered by the mental ‘telescope’ or the soul’s ‘telescope’ has been dealt with in the scriptures. Such subject matter is known by the saints, and we have to take their help in order to have entrance into that land. We are not at present in a position to have experience of the higher plane, but later, by the help of the saints and scriptures, when we ourselves have that type of ‘telescope’ vision we will be able to have such a higher experience.
स्वे स्वेऽधिकारे या निष्ठा स गुणः परिकीर्त्तितः ।
sve sve ’dhikāre yā niṣṭhā sa guṇaḥ parikīrtitaḥ
“Adherence to one’s own plane of qualification is laudable.”
अचिन्त्याः खलु ये भावा न तांस्तर्केण योजयेत् ।
achintyāḥ khalu ye bhāvā na tāṁs tarkeṇa yojayet
Don’t let the argumentative spirit overshadow everything. Argument is not all in all. It is not that it must be the resort of every belief. The spiritual realm is achintya, inconceivable; nonetheless, we must try to understand things according to our capacity, faith, and realisation. Above all, we have to accommodate within our mind that sweetness is sweet, and truth is truth, however incomprehensible it may be, but we should not take any standard from here and apply it to that higher realm.
(Śrīla Bhakti Rakṣak Śrīdhar Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj: Home Comfort - Searching for Our Home)
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