Enquiry is good, but enquire like a proper man, in a proper, scientific way. Search. Search for the particular thing which equates to the search of everything. Come to search that thing which will solve your entire problem. Searching after this, searching after the wants of A, searching after B, searching after C—dismiss all these mad ideas. Search only after the one thing that will satisfy everything. It is possible.
Yasmin jñāte sarvam idaṁ vijñātaṁ bhavati: if we know that one point, everything is known. If we get that thing, everything is achieved. Is it possible? Yes, it is possible! And when we come to such faith, then it is real faith: it is śraddhā.
(Śrīla Bhakti Rakṣak Śrīdhar Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj: Inner Fulfilment - Searching the Solution)
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