Vaisnava hírek

Klub helyszín:
Rejtett kincs lelki töltőállomás,
Bp. 7. ker. Rózsa u. 1.

Spirituális gondolatok lelki tanítómestereinktől:
Rejtett kincs Lelki Üzemanyag

2014. szeptember 6., szombat

Lelki üzemanyag 22

Hope for the hopeless

There is another expression of the devotees’ mood:

parama-kāruṇiko na bhavat-paraḥ
parama-śochyatamo na cha mat-paraḥ
iti vichintya hare mayi pāmare
yad uchitaṁ yadu-nātha tad āchara
(Padyāvalī: Bhaktānām-māhātmyam, 66)

“O Kṛṣṇa, I do not know my position, but You know who I am. I am feeling I am in an insignificant, unqualified, ignorant, lamentable, and sad position. I have no quality or qualification, and I feel I cannot actually do anything. Your position is Supreme. You are the supremely merciful rescuer of the fallen souls. You have promised that You will give special attention to the ignorant fallen souls who are in need, and rescue those who take shelter at Your lotus feet. I do not know if I can take full shelter of You or not, but I am offering myself to You with my all and everything. You can see me present before You, so please give me Your merciful glance.

“You are the supreme rescuer of the fallen souls, Patita Pāvan, and I am a super-conditioned soul (patita), so please do the needful. I will not tell You what to do. You can see everything perfectly. I only pray that You do what is necessary for me. I do not see any soul who is more fallen than myself; You bestow Your mercy upon the most fallen souls first, so I am very hopeful You will do the needful and rescue me.”

There are so many songs and expressions of prayer to the Lord which explain our position and the Lord’s position. We can see that everywhere the jīva-souls are in both a hopeless position and a hopeful position. Alone they must be hopeless, but in connection with the Lord they must be hopeful. So lastly, through the Lord’s grace, the jīva-souls can always be hopeful, and that is the mood of a devotee.

(Śrīla Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj: Revealed Truth - The Transcendental Vibration Form of the Lord)

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