Vaisnava hírek

Klub helyszín:
Rejtett kincs lelki töltőállomás,
Bp. 7. ker. Rózsa u. 1.

Spirituális gondolatok lelki tanítómestereinktől:
Rejtett kincs Lelki Üzemanyag

2014. szeptember 12., péntek

Lelki üzemanyag 27

The scriptures compare the suffering of the conditioned soul to a man dreaming that a tiger is coming to attack him. Within his dream the sleeping man feels very fearful and suffers great pain. Within his dream he cries out, “Tiger! Tiger! Ah! Save me! Save me!” If any of his friends are awake nearby, what will they do? If they are intelligent they will see that their friend is only dreaming and try to wake him up. They won’t search for a stick to scare away the tiger or anything like that. They will only try to wake him up, “Wake up! Wake up! There is no tiger attacking you. You are simply dreaming in your bed.” When the sleeping person awakens he will see, “Oh. There is no tiger attacking me actually. I was only dreaming.”

(Śrīla Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj: Revealed Truth - The Waves of Kāma and Prema)

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